Call for Applications for the HRI Fellowships, 2024-2025

Call for Applications for the Humanities Research Institute Fellowships, 2024-2025

The Humanities Research Institute (HRI) announces the call for applications for the 2024-2025 HRI Fellowships to faculty members at the University of Regina and federated colleges. Full-time continuing faculty are eligible to apply.

The HRI supports research in traditional humanities disciplines as well as in philosophical, historical, and ethical contexts across academic disciplines. The humanities are not conceived as a specific group of subject areas but include all forms of study that examine the human condition. Humanities researchers are engaged in questions that address human thought, experience, and creativity. Scholars engaged in research-creation projects are encouraged to apply.

For more information about current and past HRI Fellows and their research projects go to:

Fellows are expected to conduct research, be active participants in the HRI community, present their research at HRI-organized events and on the HRI website, as well as to organize an activity or series of activities as part of the HRI’s programming (e.g., a lecture, seminar series, podcast, or similar). Fellows will also participate as members of the HRI Advisory Board for the year. 

Research awards will be granted for the period July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025, and grants can be up to $4,000. Additional funds, up to a maximum of $1,000, may be provided to fellowship holders to assist with the organization of the activity/activities.

Specific research aims, activities, and outcomes that can be achieved during the tenure of the award should be identified. These may be linked to longer-term research projects: the relationship between the one-year award and the larger project should be made clear. Other sources of funding (department, faculty, Tri-Council, or APEA) above the $4,000 provided by the HRI should be detailed.

A detailed budget is required. Expenses supported are those typically associated with the conduct of research. Ineligible expenses include: equipment; travel for the purposes of dissemination (e.g., to present at conferences) or to attend conferences and academic meetings; and publication-related costs. Support of students (graduate and/or undergraduate) is encouraged but not required.

For projects in non-traditional humanities disciplines, the relationship to the humanities must be clearly articulated in the proposal. The proposed activity (public presentation, seminar series, or similar) must be outlined in detail, including an estimated budget. Other sources of funding (department, faculty, or other source) above the $1,000 provided by the HRI should be detailed.

Applications must be combined into a single file in PDF format and must include:

  1. a descriptive title;
  2. abstract of 75 words;
  3. a detailed statement of the research proposal (maximum two pages);
  4. a bibliography (maximum one page);
  5. a budget, with justification (maximum one page);
  6. a description and budget for the activity/activities (lecture, seminar series, etc.) – maximum one page;
  7. a current curriculum vitae

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Submit proposals to the HRI at

Due Date: April 30, 2024

Term of Fellowship: The term of the fellowship is one year and will commence July 1, 2023. 

All approved REB applications must be forwarded to the HRI Director, Dr Charity Marsh, prior to any funds being released. 

Questions can be directed to:
Dr. Charity Marsh
Director, Humanities Research Institute

Call for Applications for the HRI Fellowships, 2024-2025 was last modified: March 20th, 2024 by HRi