Jérôme Melançon is an Assistant Professor at the Cité universitaire of the University of Regina and a member of the Laboratoire de changement social et politique at the Université Paris Diderot. Jérôme describes the project for which he received his HRI fellowship in 2018-2019 as follows:
“The project ‘Thinking Anti-Colonialism through French Philosophy’ rests on the premise that if there is to be reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, there must be elements in Euro-Canadian cultural and political traditions that will make reconciliation efforts worthwhile. These elements, once they are identified and understood, can function as a basis for trust and as a foundation for a transformation of Canadian colonial institutions. Anti-colonial philosophy is one such element present, though rare, in the history of European and Canadian philosophy. I will be focusing in this project on the texts written by European philosophers in the journals Les Temps Modernes and Esprit after the Second World War until the end of the Algerian War. These anti-colonial texts are remarkable in that they present attempts at undoing a colonial system that benefits the authors. They contain ideas and arguments which I will adapt in order to apply them to the contemporary Canadian settler colonial state.
The choice of Post-War French personalist and existential philosophy is partly based on my trajectory. Among several articles on these philosophies, I have published on Tran Duc Thao’s critique of French colonialism. I also have written a book on Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s political philosophy (La politique dans l’adversité, forthcoming in 2018 with Métispresses) and transcribed and edited his radio interviews (Entretiens avec Georges Charbonnier et autres dialogues, 1946-1959, Verdier). My work with Indigenous students, colleagues, Elders, knowledge keepers, and members of communities in Camrose and Maskwacis, AB, and in Regina, as well as my study of the concept of reconciliation (in a book project in progress), will inform my reading of authors such as Merleau-Ponty, Mounier, Beauvoir, Jeanson, and Sartre.”
Jérôme Melançon
Profiles: Humanities Research Fellow, Dr. Jérôme Melançon was last modified: August 1st, 2018 by HRi