Saturday, March 10, 2018 12 noon (lunch begins at 12:00 p.m., the presentation begins at 12:30 p.m.) Lunch will be served in the Atrium of the Research and Innovation Centre (RIC) and the reading will take place in RIC 119 University of Regina Lorri Neilsen Glenn is a former Halifax poet laureate and professor emerita at Mount Saint Vincent University. She is the author of thirteen books. Her most recent book, Following the River: Traces of Red River Women (Wolsak and Wynn Publishers, 2017) tells the stories of the Cree and Métis women who were Lorri Neilsen Glenn’s ancestors and who, although largely neglected by historical accounts, were indispensable to the life of the Red River settlement as translators, guides and community builders. Lorri Neilsen Glenn evokes the courage and resilience of these women through poetry, prose “and pieces dancing the line between.” She also includes fragments from newspapers and journal entries from fur traders, clergy and explorers. The mix of genres reflects the “threshold lives” of women who moved between indigenous and settler societies. In this presentation, Lorri Neilsen Glenn will read from Following the River and also discuss the challenges and satisfactions of writing a mixed genre / mixed format work. This event will be held in conjunction with the Trash Talkin’ Conference, organized by the University of Regina English Students’ Association. Members of the public are cordially invited to join conference delegates for the luncheon and for the presentation by Lorri Neilsen Glenn. There is no charge, but it would be appreciated if you could please indicate your intention to attend (as well as any dietary preferences) by sending an email to humanities.research@uregina.ca. This reading is sponsored by The Humanities Research Institute, The Saskatchewan Writers’ Guild, The Vertigo Reading Series, the Department of English at the University of Regina and St. Peter’s College, Muenster, SK. Free public parking for this event will be available in in any of the University lots and metered parking spaces, with the exception of those marked for wheelchair access.